AMInnovations has been pioneering in research, innovation, and invention for almost four decades in science, technology, and computing, both within conventional science and the new science. Core fields of current research include Tesla Energy and Electricity research, Quantum Device Physics, Coherent Low-Level Laser Holistic Medical devices, and Esoteric Science and Medicine.
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true meaning ...

And is independent of race, gender, religion, country, language,
or any other differentiating factors within humanity.Knowledge is NOT information, but rather
Experiential Knowledge of the Self ...
The Toltec System of Knowledge
Part One
Introduction, Source, and Origins
Toltec knowledge in antiquity was only ever passed down by word of mouth and experiential training. It has never been written down directly by a Toltec until recent times by Théun Mares. This is why you don't easily come across the Toltec System of Knowledge explicitly in the modern world.
This system of knowledge is a practical exploration of the Great Spiritual and Physical Universes, and as such forms a facet of the Diamond of the One Life. This knowledge system is not a "theoretical" system, but rather based entirely on practical experience gained through exploring the One life across Aeons of time.
Play VideoPart Two
Selected Core Principles
The Toltec System of Knowledge has been evolved through experiential learning and training by a group of individuals known as the Toltecs over aeons and aeons of time. One aeon of time is a full turn of what is referred to as the Great Wheel of Evolution, which currently is in the order of 25,800 years.
This second part introduces a selection of the most core principles including, the nagal and tonal, consciousness and intelligence, the evolution of awareness, the force of intent, the act of perception, the dreamer and the dreamed, intelligent co-operation, the tree of life, the law of light and reflection, the law of economy, cosmology, amongst others.
Play VideoPart Three
The New Science
At the entrance to the Aquarian era about 200 years ago, science and religion split in order to discriminate between the purpose of the spirit, and that of the tonal. Hence in our modern era science has become focussed only on the form or material side of life from within only the common perception of reality.
In antiquity researchers were scientists, natural philosophers, artists, musicians, and considered both the outer and inner realms of man's existence and experience of the one life. The New Science seeks to explore the Great Mystery of life, reveal the purpose and principles of our existence, and to understand and apply these principles within the Wheelwork of Nature.
Play VideoThe Toltec Legacy
The Toltec Teachings as expressed by Théun Mares
"The Toltec Teachings are for those to whom the truth is more important than words, who believe that experiential knowledge is life's priceless gift, and who acknowledge the inter-relationship, inter-dependence, and inter-action of all life." - The Toltec Teachings, Vol One
The Toltec Legacy website is an audio-visual experience of the Toltec Teachings as expressed by Théun Mares. For any individual intent on exploring their Self and the One Life, the Toltec Legacy is an invaluable source of guidance, practical tools, and insight into how to go about transforming your life into the rich and rewarding journey of the warrior's path. The site includes an open-source teaching facility called "The Study" with thousands of indexed articles and guidance on the application of the Toltec Teachings within our daily lives.
Visit Toltec LegacyThe Institute for the Study of Man
A Centre for Higher Learning
We teach people how to handle relationships, for at the end of the day all of life is about relationships. Because we believe that the only true knowledge is experiential, we provide the setting for you to feel for yourself your own wonder and uniqueness; to experience for yourself your own value, potential and creativity.
ISM's teachings are based on the ancient Toltec Tradition, normally referred to as The Warrior's Path, a non-sectarian and non-racial belief system encouraging freedom of religion and philosophy. The Warrior's Path is essentially a practical approach to daily life and the many challenges we encounter as our destiny unfolds, leading ultimately to freedom through the skilful handling of awareness.
Visit ISMRenascent Legacy Press
The Toltec Teachings by Théun Mares
Written volumes by Théun Mares in which he outlines the various concepts and techniques of the Warrior's path, a personal journey of discovery using the Toltec Teachings.
Théun Mares books are for those men and women who are serious and sincere in their search for an in-depth understanding of the mysteries and secrets concerning both man and the cosmos.
"Our feeling, intuitive side, although it is irrational, and therefore very hard to understand, is in fact our true essence. It is what really makes our lives into something that either has great meaning, or is an empty intellectual process." - Théun Mares
Visit RLPResearch & Application
The Foundation supports and works with organisations and endeavours within humanity that are working with and towards a multi-disciplinary understanding of the fundamental principles and processes within the one life and the natural order. The Toltec System of Knowledge forms a central body of knowledge to explore life, and application of these principles through projects and endeavours for the upliftment of all. In so doing we progressively map out the unknown of the great mystery, including the unknown into the known, and so contributing to the vast body of research, development, and application of experiential knowledge, which ultimately constitutes the collective evolution of awareness on our planet.
The Golden Ratio is one of the most simple and fundamental underlying principles in the Wheelwork of Nature, and is reflected within many forms in the natural world. The Golden Dragon Discharge, as shown in the pictures above, is a Fractal that expands according to the Golden Ratio, and is the direct expression of these natural principles revealed in the field of electricity and energy.
Read MoreThe vision of our group is to pioneer technology that will benefit men and women in claiming their power by becoming ever more holistic in the development of sustainable self-sufficiency. Our approach has been to pool our own financial, entrepreneurial and technical resources to promote the empowerment of the individual through the medium of holistic self-sufficiency.
Read MoreThe coMra Wave technology is an approach to utilise background electromagnetic radiation to provide two beneficial functions. The first is to offer a degree of radiation protection from high frequency radiation, and the second is to use the absorbed radiation for the improvement of the quality and freshness of water, and consequent benefits to the health and vitality of the body through the medium of water.
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The Five Pillars of Wisdom represent five areas of endeavour that lead to knowledge
both within ourselves and of that greater whole we term life.There is only One Life, and we are all interdependent and interactive units of that one life.
Life is simply one huge system of relationships.Therefore our wellbeing, happiness, and success are entirely dependent upon our skill
in relating firstly to ourselves; and secondly, to the world around us.
The Five Pillars of Wisdom
The Foundation for Toltec Research has a firm basis in the Five Pillars of Wisdom or Human Endeavour, which represent endeavours of fundamentally different purpose within humanity. The Five Pillars are as follows, in the East is Education or True Learning, in the West is Medicine or True Healing, in the South is Religion or the True Relationship with Self, and in the North is Politics or the True Use of Power. Encompassing these four directions is the fifth pillar, a moving and bounding circular trajectory which is Science or the Quest for Knowledge. Whilst this may seem a somewhat small number of endeavours when we consider the diversity within humanity, it is important not to take these names or words at face value, and recognise that each pillar is an archetypical vibration, and that any endeavour will fall within a combination of one or more of these fundamental vibrations of wisdom.

Presentations and Articles

Foundation Contributors
"It is important to understand that the purpose and emphasis that I place on my electricity and energy research is from a multi-disciplinary perspective. I have had training in both science and engineering, and also in philosophical and esoteric disciplines. These diverse and separated disciplines are as like chalk and cheese to each other in many people's perspectives. My objective is to discover over-arching and inclusive underlying principles, mechanisms, and processes that are common in the natural world, but as yet explained differently by different disciplines. My research endeavours work towards understanding the relationship between these diverse disciplines, and hence the theories and conjectures that I make carry understanding and knowledge from different sides of the coin. And make no mistake, there are strong relationships between these disciplines, the underlying principles of life are essentially the same in all disciplines, only the form and context is different." ...
Adrian Marsh Ph.D. - Pillar: Science, 2024
Read MoreFor those people who feel that there is a greater purpose and meaning within life, there is a fundamental truth. This truth is that we are born with a particular fate to unfold and fulfil. This truth lies at the heart of all major belief systems - a truth to which the legacy of the Toltec teachings also bears witness.
Théun Mares
Toltec of the Third AttentionThere are, scattered throughout the world, a handful of thoughtful and solitary students, who pass their lives in obscurity, far from the rumours of the world, studying the great problems of the physical and spiritual universes.
H.P. Blavatsky
To the Warrior of Freedom life is the celebration of a love story, the ultimate love story. It is the story of the passion experienced by two beings in their struggle to find the true meaning of warmth and the lasting fulfilment of undying love. It is the story of the nagal and the tonal, it is the story of any man or woman, and therefore it is the story of you and me, and of our mutual struggle in learning what it is to love and to be loved.
Théun Mares
Toltec of the Third AttentionContact
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